До преди години това си беше една порода -Carpatin. Наскоро руманъящите решиха да отделят популацията в две породи - оригиналната Carpatin и ново измислената Bucovina. Решиха да потърсят по-голями отлики в двете породи. Така в стандарта на Карпатина пише лупоид, а в този на Буковината молосоид. Наистина втория мяза повече на БОК отколкото на Каракачанското куче. В буковината се търси и повишаване на ръста. Пък тук си знаем вече как го правят нашите алхимици

По стадата из Карапатите се срещат кучета с разнообразна окраска от черни с бели лапи през сиви до шарени и чисто бяли. Ръстово са в параметрите описани в стандарта на Карпатина. В старите публикации именно за породата Карпатин се виждат илюстрации на разнообразни по окраска кучета.
Как може Карпатина хем да е лупоид,хем в популацията му да има и молосоиди както казваш от преди разделянето на породата Карпатин?Или всъщност Буковината/бяло черните/ няма общо с Карпатина напрактика а с кучетата Румънски Завод.
http://www.carpatinclub.ro/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=35&Itemid=51&lang=enThe expert on dogs of the thirties, Mister Mihai Mosandrei spoke about the Carpathian dog originally being a lupoid type of dog in an newspaper article entitled “Contributiuni la standadul rasei/Contribution to the standard of breed”, published in the 10th number of “Carpatii” magazine in 1937.
He said that ”A mix up between different dog breeds should not be done……, we should not confuse the Carpathian Shepherd dog with the Romanian Zavod, this one (the Zavod) also living in the mountains together with the Carpathian Shepherd Dog. The Romanian Zavod is molossoid like the Terra Nova, St. Bernard and the Great Pyrenees dog. The Zavod must be well distinguished from the lupoid type Carpathian Shepherd Dog. That is why we believe that in the appearance description in the standard of the Carpathian Shepherd Dog lupoid type must be added”.
http://www.carpatinclub.ro/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=36%3Aarticol6&catid=2In 1997, Mr. Vasile Iclenzan, Vet. Dorin Bilegan from Bistrita, Mr. Petru Muntean –international judge and a Serbian judge; Milivoje Urosevici manifested their intention to establish an association dedicated exclusively to the Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog. It was a prelude to the establishment of the National Breeders Club of The Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog on 29 March 1998: CNCCRCRC with its headquarters in Bistriţa. Financial support was provided by Mr. Vasile Bodea from Bistriţa. The club establishment was attended by representatives of the Romanian Kennel Club. The day after an exhibition of Carpathian Shepherd Dogs was organized, displaying an important number of exemplars; typical and uniform. Unfortunately in Carpathian Shepherd Dog exhibitions across the country there were grey, wolf-like dogs as well as some motley (white and black) molossoid type exemplars. The difference was obvious, and their presence in the same breed was very frustrating. There was fierce arguing between the two sides. The breeders from Bucovina region, proponents of molossoid type dogs had to face up to the extreme perseverance from leader Vasile Iclenzan, tireless supporter of The Carpathian Shepherd Dog.
He fiercely resisted the attacks; at the end the truth will overcome, that reality will be realized. His hope and believe remained, even when his tiring brothers in arms didn’t want to continue, when some betrayed him and even worse to mask their misery; they excluded him from the club he founded.
None the less the results of a rigorous selection have paid off. He led the efforts managing to impose a "pure type" very important core of dogs formed at Bistriţa with the support of other Bistriţian Carpathian owners. These dogs were also provided to breeders from other areas in the country. In fact, most of the dogs were bred by or came from dogs bred by Mr. Vasile Iclenzan. Even today’s breeders constantly "import" Carpathians from Bistriţa. Breeders are forced to seek in the work and selection of Vasile Iclenzan, which is why Mr. Vasile Iclenzan occupies a special place in the history and future of the Carpathian Shepherd Dog. Gradually, Bucovina breeders realized that their dogs of molossoid type can start a different breed, but they didn’t want to give up the name of Carpathian that easily.